Tuesday, May 01, 2018

ES6 Modules: Limp and Overcooked

I've been eagerly awaiting a module system for JavaScript for many years. Although plans for a standardized module system have been floating around even for ECMAScript 4, it's only become standardized and available during the last year or so. Usually, modules are a pretty intuitive language concept. You briefly look at a couple of examples, and then you dive and start using it, and everything just works. For some reason though, when I tried using ES6 modules in a project, my mind absolutely refused to accept ES6 modules. I literally spent hours staring at these lines of code, and my brain couldn't do it:
import foo from './library.js';
import {foo} from './library.js';
Both lines of code are valid ES6 Modules code. Only one line is correct though, and it depends on how you've set-up your modules. The difference is so confusing and the error messages are so cryptic that I just couldn't get my feeble brain to understand it.

Apparently, the JavaScript module system spent so long in the standardization oven that it has become overcooked and ruined. It's limp and dry and completely unappetizing. ES6 Modules are actually two completely different module systems that have been thrown together into JavaScript with no attempt to unify them at all. What's worse is that the two module systems use very similar syntax, and it's very easy to get things mixed up. Some misplaced squigglies results in you using the wrong module system that's incompatible with the library you want because the library was built with the other module system. What's doubly-worse is that one of the module systems is already deprecated, and the preferred module system has the more complicated syntax. If one system is preferred, then why does the other one exist? If the two module systems are different, why couldn't they have two completely syntaxes for them?

What's weird is that they could have unified it. There would have been a lot of weird corner cases, but they could have made a consistent syntax. When I see the two lines above, I think of destructuring assignment.
pair = getFullName();
[firstName, lastName] = getFullName();

point = getPoint();
{x, y} = getPoint();
It's a bit unusual, but it's consistent. My mind could accept that.
import foo from './library.js';
could be for importing everything in the library into an object named foo
import {foo} from './library.js';
could be for importing foo from a library.

But, no, that's not how it works. Instead, the first line is for doing imports from modules built using the default module method, and the second line is for doing imports from modules built using the namespace module method. Oh, you can also build your libraries so that they are compatible with both types of modules, but since the two module systems are completely distinct, you can design your libraries to export completely different things depending on whether they are imported using the default module method or the namespace module method.

After several hours of my mind rejecting the ES6 approach to modules, I think I've finally gotten it accepted. I explained to my mind that the ES6 module system is complete garbage, but that's all that there is to eat, and it better not barf it all out like last time. It's not happy about it though.

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