During a coding session involving JavaScript, UIs, and new asynchronous APIs, I realized that it's no longer possible to write correct programs with user interfaces any more. The JavaScript language has long had a problem with isolated language designers who tinker on their own isolated part of the system without seeing how things fit together as a whole. Though their individual contribution may be fine, when everything gets put together, it's a mess that just doesn't work right. Then, later generations of designers patch things over with hacks and fixes to "smooth things over" that just make the language more and more convoluted and complicated.
Right now, the language designers of JavaScript are all proud of their asynchronous JavaScript initiatives like promises, async, and whatnot. These "features" shouldn't be necessary at all. They are "fixes" to bad decisions that were made years earlier. It's clear that the designers of these asynchronous APIs mainly do server-side work instead of front-end work because asynchronous APIs make it next to impossible to write correct user interfaces.
In all modern UI frameworks, the UI is single-threaded and synchronous. This is necessary because UI code is actually the trickiest and hardest code to write correctly. People who write back-end code or middleware code or computation code actually have it easy. Their code can rely on well-defined interfaces and expected protocols to ensure the correctness of their algorithms. As long as your code calls the libraries correctly and follows proper sequences, then everything should work fine. By contrast, UI code interfaces with the user. The user is messy and unpredictable. The user will randomly click on things when they aren't supposed to. You might think, how hard can it be to write some code for clicking on a button? But what happens when they start clicking on different buttons with their mouse and finger at the same time? What happens when they start dragging the scrollbar in one direction while pressing the arrow keys in the opposite direction at the same time? Users will drag things with the mouse while spinning the mousewheel and then press ctrl-v on the keyboard and get angry when the UI code becomes confused and formats their hard drive. Then when you fix that problem, some other user will get angry because they were using that combination as a quick shortcut for formatting hard drives and want the old behavior back. Reasoning about the correctness of UI code is very hard, and the only thing that makes it tractable at all is that it's all synchronous. There is one event queue. You take an event from the queue and process it to completion. When you take the next event off the event queue, you don't know what it is, but it will be dependent on the new state of the UI, not the old one. You don't know what crazy thing the user is going to do next, but at least you know the state of the UI whenever the next event occurs.
Asynchronous JavaScript inconveniently breaks the model. All of these asynchronous APIs and promises are based on the idea that you start an action in another thread and then execute some sort of callback when the execution is complete. This is fine for non-UI code because you can use modularity to limit the scope of how crazily the state of the program will change from when you invoke the API and when the callback is called. It's even fine if these sorts of APIs are needed occasionally in UIs. During the rare time that an asynchronous XMLHttpRequest is needed, I can spend the day mapping out all the mischief that the user might do during that pause and writing code to deal with it when the request returns. But these asynchronous APIs are now becoming so widespread that I'm just not smart enough to be able to work out these details any more. The user clicks a button, you call an asynchronous API, then the user navigates to a different view, then the asynchronous call comes back to show its result, but all the UI elements are different now. The textbox where you wanted to show the result is no longer there. So now in your promises code, you have to write all sorts of checks to validate that the old UI actually still exists before displaying anything. But maybe the user clicked on the button twice, so the old UI still exists, but the 2nd asynchronous call returned before the 1st one, so now you need to write some custom sequencing code to make sure things are dispatched in the proper order. It's just a huge unruly mess.
The only practical solution I can find is to suppress the user interface during asynchronous calls, so that the user can't go crazy on the user interface while you're doing your work. This is a little dangerous because if you make a mistake, you might accidentally forget to unsuppress the user interface during some strange corner cases, but dealing with these corner cases is a lot easier than dealing with the corner case of the user generating random UI events while you're waiting on an asynchronous call. There was one proposal to add an "inert" attribute to html to disable all events, but that was eventually killed. Right now, the only hope for UI coders is to misuse the <dialog> tag, but very few browsers support it currently.
The annoying thing is that these things are just sad hacks that make programming more and more convoluted. Despite all the pride that the JavaScript designers have in their clever asynchronous promises API, that too is just a hack to paper over previous questionable decisions. The root cause of all these issues is the arbitrary decision that was made many years ago that there would be no multithreading in JavaScript. As a result, the only way to run something in parallel is to use the shared-nothing Web Worker system to run things in, essentially, separate processes. Although the language designers proudly proclaimed that there would be no concurrency errors because the system didn't allow shared objects or concurrency mechanisms, this system ended up being so limited that no one really used it. There were no concurrency errors in JavaScript programs because no one used any concurrency. (Language designers are now trying to "fix" Web Workers by creating a convoluted API that adds back in shared memory and concurrency primitives, but only for JavaScript code that is translated from C++.) Once JavaScript multithreading was killed, a certain old dinosaur of a browser company (no, not Microsoft, I meant dinosaur literally) discovered that their single-threaded browser kept hanging. Although every other browser maker moved to multi-process architectures that ensured that browser remained responsive regardless of the behavior of individual web pages, this single-threaded browser would become unresponsive if any tab made a long-running synchronous call. Somehow, the solution to this problem was to remove all synchronous APIs from JavaScript. And now we can't write correct UI code in JavaScript any more.
JavaScript is getting to be a big mess again. The fact that it's no longer possible to write correct user interface code any more is a clear signal that something has gone wrong. The big browser vendors need to call in some legendary language gurus to rethink the language and redirect it down a more sane path. Perhaps they need to call in some academics to do some original research work on possible better concurrency models. This has actually happened in the past, when Guy Steele was brought in for the original JavaScript standardization or when Douglas Crockford killed ES4. It looks like something like that is needed again.